GP Stake Liquidity
Tap provides you with the flexibility to sell or borrow against your GP commit and carry, empowering you to access the liquidity you desire.

Real-Time Net Worth Dashboard
Stay informed about the value of your carry with our dynamic net worth dashboard. Powered by real-time pricing data from Tap's marketplace, you can track the value of your carry as it fluctuates.
Customizable Sale Solutions
Tap offers the largest network of buyers in the market, ensuring a competitive process that delivers optimal value for your GP stake. Our team can tailor solutions to your unique circumstances, providing you with the best possible outcome.
Borrow Backed by Your Carry
Secure loans backed by your carry with Tap. Benefit from competitive rates, expedited underwriting processes, and the convenience of monitoring and making payments through Tap's robust system.
A Dedicated Partner for Your Liquidity Needs
Tap is a trusted partner for GPs seeking personalized and professional liquidity solutions. Our discreet, experienced team understands the specific requirements of GPs and is committed to assisting you with both personal and professional liquidity needs. Count on us for comprehensive support throughout the process.
Explore liquidity on your GP commitment and carry.
Team experience
Completed Transactions
Total Volume
